Empowering Tomorrow: Unveiling the World of Blockchain through a Transformative Workshop!

 Empowering Tomorrow: Unveiling the World of Blockchain through a Transformative Workshop!

Learning in life is a continuous process! In student life, if lessons are learned in schools and colleges, even outside it, man continues to learn something every day.

In my current college student life, while professors deliver daily lessons aligned with my chosen course, I find myself exploring additional topics through external resources. However, the value of knowledge acquired in those settings is distinct from the experience of attending workshops within the college itself. Recently, I was fortunate to engage in a two-day workshop titled "Blockchain Technology and Its Practical Applications." This event was coordinated by The Pheonics Guild in collaboration with my college's Department of Information Technology Science and Engineering, which is my major field of study.

From August 11 to August 12, a workshop took place at Sahyadri Engineering and Management College with the aim of familiarizing students with the trending topic of blockchain technology. The workshop had the dual purpose of creating awareness about this technology, which is making waves in the tech world, and motivating students to delve deeper into its intricacies. Leading the workshop were Mr. Adi Bhagvath, the current CEO of InstaCrypt and an affiliate of Dive Networks; Mr. Sham Prakash K, a senior student at Sahyadri College; and Mr. S. Thirumurugan, a representative from Secure App who is associated with Deloitte and HashdIn. These individuals were selected as resource persons for the event due to their affiliations with The Phoenix Guild. Notably, Adi Bhagvath is the lead for The Phoenix Guild's Bangalore chapter, while S. Thirumurugan leads the Chennai chapter.


Mr. S. Thirumurugan stands out for his remarkable age of 20. Despite being a third-year engineering student in Tamil Nadu, he has taken on the roles of an intern at a company and an entrepreneur launching his own startup. Notably, he has also clinched victory in multiple Hakotan competitions. His extensive knowledge drew considerable attention during the workshop, further highlighting his exceptional capabilities.


During the first day activities Mr. S. Thirumurugan introduced The Phoenix Guild (TPG) and explained the basics of Blockchain. He explained well an overview of blockchain and its evolutionary stages (Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0), differences between Web 2 and Web 3, insights into distributed ledger technology and comparison between centralized and distributed ledgers.


Mr. Adi Bhagvath explained the workings of distributed ledgers and highlighted applications like Bitcoin that trace the historical progress of blockchain. He explained the role of blockchain in smart contracts through a real-world scenario. Mr. Sham Prakash discussed the benefits of using blockchain to eliminate middlemen and emphasized key concepts. Also covers basic blockchain principles and differences between distributed and decentralized systems, an explanation of hashing, the foundational blockchain concept, an overview of different cryptography types, and essential blockchain components. Sri Adi Bhagwat explained the concept of full nodes, partial nodes and nonce. Then Mr. Sham Prakash demonstrated the practical mechanics of Blockchain. Resource persons shed light on additional blockchain applications, wallet usage, and laptop prerequisites required for upcoming activities.

The second day of the program focused on hands-on learning, covering a range of essential topics. Students were engaged in Solidity programming using the Remix IDE, and examined contract structure and functions. Resource persons also shared with the students insights into career prospects within the blockchain field highlighting the growing demand for skilled blockchain developers.

In summary, the two-day workshop provided me with a valuable opportunity to gain insight into blockchain, a topic I was unfamiliar with. Beyond that, I had the privilege of composing a workshop report and delivering a presentation during the event's closing ceremony. I extend my gratitude to Dr. Navaneeth Bhaskar sir and Mrs. Akhila Tejaswi madam, the faculty coordinators of the program, as well as Dr. Mustafa Bastikodi sir, the Head of the Department of Information Science & Engineering and CSE(Data Science). Additionally, I want to thank my mentor, Mr. Rithesh Pakkala, for his ongoing support in nurturing my writing passion.The knowledge acquired during the two-day workshop is extensive, as previously discussed. This learning journey doesn't conclude here; it's an ongoing and continuous process. There remains a wealth of information yet to be explored in the realm of blockchain. I look forward to the prospect of delving deeper into this subject in the days to come.

Article by:
Shreekara B
2nd year BE student,
Department of Information Science & Engineering,
Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management,


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